We offer a range of special services in the churches of the Benefice at Advent and Christmas, at Holy Week and Easter. In addition, there are certain other occasions during the church year where a special service is held in one or more of our churches.
During Advent each congregation hosts/participates in a village carol service.
Each year Midnight Mass is celebrated in each of the parishes of the Benefice churches; and then on Christmas morning there is a special celebration of Holy Communion in each of our parishes.

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday with the Procession of Palms in each parish concluding with a service of Holy Communion, which includes a Passion Narrative presented by a range of members of our church family. On each of the following days in Holy Week there is a different service in one of our churches including the Eucharist with the Washing of Feet, the Stripping of the altars and Vigil on Maundy Thursday; the Good Friday Liturgy; the Service of Vigil and Light on Easter Eve and a special celebration of the Holy Communion on Easter morning in each of our parishes.
At other times in the year we mark our respective Patronal Festivals (for St Mary’s on or near 15th August or 8th September; for St Nicholas’ on or near 6th December; for St Thomas’ on or near 3rd July); Ascension Day (with an evening Benefice Holy Communion); Harvest Festival (in each of our three churches); Remembrance Sunday (at St Mary’s, Steeple Ashton and St Nicholas’, North Bradley); All Souls’ Day (with St Nicholas’ and St Mary’s taking it in turns to hold a service in loving memory of departed loved ones).
Every year there is a mid-week service in Steeple Ashton during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th – 25th January).
We are keen to affirm our ecumenical relations, and some of the special services are arranged in collaboration with local congregations from other Christian denominations, in particular the Baptist churches in North Bradley and Southwick and the Methodist church in Steeple Ashton.
Please check our homepage, weekly Pew News and quarterly list of services for up-to-date details.