Links – a comprehensive resource, including sections on our faith, life events, faith in action, prayer and worship, safeguarding. – our Diocesan web site. – the web site for the cathedral of our Diocese containing much information on worship and music, visits and events. – a Christian education and conference centre located in the Cathedral Close in Salisbury, offering a wide variety of courses, an onsite theological library open to students and the general public, and a bookshop. – the Royal School of Church music is an educational charity whose mission is to “promote the study, practice and improvement of music in Christian worship”. – the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers represents the interest of bell ringers and seeks to ensure a sustainable future for the traditional art of bell ringing. – the home of the Society of St Francis (S.S.F.), an Anglican Friary with Community and volunteers in Dorset. – a site which since 1993 has provided a Daily Office that can be used in a variety of circumstances. – the World Community for Christian Meditation teaches the Christian tradition of meditation. Explore the rich context of a simple practical wisdom that brings the truths of faith alive in our own experience.

Village web sites with useful local information…

Other local web sites Voice Community Choir is a Singing-For-Pleasure activity, aimed at all ages and abilities. Choir groups meet each week at a particular location, including North Bradley.

Charities supported by the Benefice – An African Dream exists to educate, equip and transform the community of East Kasese. It supports several projects in the Kasese district in Western Uganda, including St Mark’s Primary School. It also provides sustainable micro-enterprise opportunities for the local community and supports the training of local church pastors. – working in over 200 countries, Bible Society is a charity on a global mission to bring the Bible to life for every man, woman and child. We believe that when people engage with the Bible, lives can change – for good. – provides support for serving and ex-serving members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, and their families all year round. – is a national charity that runs local projects, helping children and young people when they are at their most vulnerable, and have nowhere left to turn. – a worldwide evangelical Christian church which puts faith into action by offering practical help for people without discrimination, standing up for those who are vulnerable, fighting against injustice and encouraging people to deepen their relationship with God. – Samaritan’s Purse is an international relief and development organisation that works through local churches to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God amongst communities in Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It is part of the global Samaritan’s Purse family that has been providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world since 1970.

The charity runs every year the Operation Christmas Child initiative, in collaboration with thousand of churches in the UK, sending shoeboxes overseas, and responding in a distinctly Christian way to issues facing people where the charity operates, such as water and sanitation, sustainable livelihoods, disaster and emergencies. – supports a nationwide network of food banks and together we provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK. – founded in 1701, and originally known as the Society of the Propagation of the Gospel, this charity has been known since 2016 as the United Society Partners in the Gospel. Working through local partner churches, the charity’s current focus is the support of emergency relief, longer-term development, and Christian leadership training projects throughout the worldwide Anglican communion. The charity encourages parishes in the UK and Ireland to participate in Christian mission work through fundraising, prayer, and by setting up links with its projects around the world.